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Privacy Help: Camera Roll Defaulting to Private



I've recently noticed that some of my friends (who I'm friends with on Flickr) are unable to see new pictures/albums of mine.

Under my settings: Privacy and Permissions: Default for new uploads it says "Who can see your photostream: Only you (individual): Your friends and Your Family (there's no fashion to unclick the private which creates the bullets for Your Friends and Your Family unit (which are both checked).

Nonetheless I just noticed new car-loads in my Photographic camera Gyre are defaulting to Private. Any ideas on how to switch this default? I know how to edit it each time just was hoping there was a quicker default?

I've checked under settings on my Flickr phone app which also says Default Mail service Privacy: Friends & Family.

Cheers for whatever input!
Di-posting pada 7:44, 12 January 2017 ( permalink )
racheyemma mengedit topik ini 65 bulan yang lalu.

kmacgray bilang:


Yet I merely noticed new car-loads in my Camera Roll are defaulting to Individual.

The auto-upload feature always uploads images as private by default, overriding your selected preference for new uploads. This is by design and you can't change it.

The car-upload function was designed to upload large numbers of images that one may non want to be public correct away. Once the images are on Flickr, then you can alter the privacy level.

So, if y'all use the auto-upload feature, your images will always exist uploaded as private. If that's not what you lot want, you either demand to manually modify the privacy level later, or upload your stuff manually using the web uploader. The web uploader will respect whatever default preference you accept fix.
Di-posting pada 65 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

racheyemma bilang:


The machine-upload feature e'er uploads images as private by default, overriding your selected preference for new uploads. This is by design and yous tin can't change information technology.

The automobile-upload role was designed to upload large numbers of images that i may not desire to exist public right away. Once the images are on Flickr, then you can change the privacy level.

Then, if y'all use the automobile-upload feature, your images will always be uploaded equally private. If that's non what you want, you either demand to manually change the privacy level later, or upload your stuff manually using the web uploader. The web uploader will respect whatever default preference you have ready.

Thank you very much for your response- that makes sense!
Di-posting pada 65 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Thread ini ditutup secara otomatis karena kekurangan respons lebih dari sebulan lalu.