
Master The Power Of Self Hypnosis Pdf

[English] Adam Eason (���� ����) - Natural Hypnotic Childbirth, Pain Release, Personal Magnetism, Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass, Supreme Self-Esteem, Ultimate Confidence [MP3, Adam Eason]

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k0stix · 17-���-08 13:04 (13 ��� 4 ������ �����, ���. 18-���-08 14:19)

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* Natural Hypnotic Childbirth (������������ ���� ��� ������ �������)
* Pain Release (���������� �� ����)
* Personal Magnetism (�������)
* Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass (����������� �� �����������)
* Supreme Self-Esteem (����������)
* Ultimate Confidence (���������� �����������)
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�����: Adam Eason
�����������: Adam Eason
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������: MP3 (128kbps 44kHz Stereo, 2h 46m 57s)
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This audio programme allows you to be free to let your body do what it knows how to naturally and intuitively.
That�s right, and that is what this audio programme is all about. Can you imagine a birth without fear or anxiety � one that is actually filled with comfort and joy? How aware are you that childbirth should be where mother and baby are joined in loving peace and comfort?
Hypnosis is an easy way to create a beautifully tranquil state in the mind and body that lets all your muscles relax so deeply that anxiety or fear are an impossibility, instead you experience your muscles releasing adrenaline, endorphins and all the feelgood chemicals so pain is released and comfort ensues.

Let me tell you some of what you learn in this audio programme:

  1. How to bond and connect with your unborn baby in the womb � let them know they are loved and wanted.
  2. How to master natural anaesthesia at will.
  3. How to go into a state of deep hypnosis at will.
  4. How to relax hypnotically anytime and any place.
  5. How to be free of old fears.
  6. How to let go of old programming.
  7. How to enjoy the childbirth experience.
  8. How to let go and reduce pain naturally.
  9. How to allow your body to do what it knows how to do so easily and naturally.
  10. How to programme your mind to expect a wonderful childbirth experience.

You learn much more on many levels as your use of the audio programme continues and you learn that anyone can have an enjoyable, natural childbirth experience � this programme is simple enough for anyone to use and benefit from.

Here is what you get with this audio programme:

  1. Two volumes of techniques, advice and strategies on how to use your mind throughout the childbirth experience.
  2. Fully comprehensive introduction to hypnosis and how to use it.
  3. Guide of how to make the most of this programme.
  4. 3 hypnosis sessions for childbirth preparation.
  5. Hypnosis for creating your ideal future childbirth experience.
  6. Hypnosis to develop anchors with or without your birthing partner for advancing anaesthesia and calmness.
  7. Step-by-step guide to releasing any fears or previous negative programming about childbirth.
  8. Hypnosis session for use during labour.
  9. Self-hypnosis mastery hypnosis session.
  10. 2 natural balancing and relaxation hypnosis sessions to ensure your body is functioning at its best throughout your pregnancy.

In addition, you also get:

  1. Several volumes of information on natural pain control.
  2. Several hypnosis sessions on overcoming and recoding pain in your mind.
  3. Full training in hypnotic pain management.

Pain Release

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�����: Adam Eason
�����������: Adam Eason
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������: MP3 (128kbps 44kHz Stereo, 2h 7m 39s)
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You and your brain create pain, it is not an external sensation, it is part of our ingenious survival system and ultimately, we have control over it. Then finally, ensure that you are driven to letting go of the pain; be comfortable with the idea of letting go of it. Some people have reasons, conscious or unconscious for keeping pain as we are going to be finding out.

You will learn how to:

  1. Reduce, lessen or even completely alleviate pain.
  2. Understand and dissect your own pain experience.
  3. Create amazing natural anaesthesia or analgesic.
  4. Flick a switch in your brain to give you pain relief.
  5. Use self-hypnosis to be free of pain at any time and any place.
  6. Free your self of any underlying causes of pain.
  7. Use your internal dialogue to reduce pain
  8. Expect and create comfort in your life.
  9. Alleviate the psychological and emotional responses to pain.
  10. Identify personality traits that help pain reduction.

What you get with this audio programme:

  1. 3 separate unique hypnosis sessions.
  2. A full programme of pain alteration.
  3. Step-by-step guide on how to use a variety of modern psychological techniques in the way that is best for you.
  4. Fully explained exercises for pain reduction.
  5. Lots of self-hypnosis tools for freeing yourself of pain
  6. A wide range of modern psychological tools for pain reduction.
  7. Much more...

Personal Magnetism

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�����: Adam Eason
�����������: Adam Eason
����: ���������������������
������: MP3 (128kbps 44kHz Stereo, 2h 43m 41s)
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Here is a sample of the vast number of incredible things you will learn how to do when you invest in this remarkable programme:

  1. Have more and more people attracted you in a heartbeat without knowing why.
  2. Communicate with others at the unconscious level: Beyond their conscious awareness.
  3. How to use non-verbal communication to enhance what others think about you.
  4. Speak in a way that lets people feel like they have known you for years
  5. Use the language of attractive communication.
  6. Create rapport with anyone at anytime!
  7. Ooze with charisma: You unconsciously behave more attractively!
  8. Develop irresistible levels of self-confidence and self-esteem.
  9. You will learn to maximize your hidden and natural attributes to create an instant bond with anyone you meet!
  10. Have more and more people attracted to you in a heartbeat without knowing why!
  11. Communicate with others at the unconscious level: Beyond their conscious awareness.
  12. How to use non-verbal communication to enhance what others think about you.
  13. Speak in a way that lets people feel like they have known you for years.
  14. Use the language of attractive communication.
  15. Create rapport with anyone at anytime!
  16. Ooze with charisma: You unconsciously behave more attractively! Develop irresistible levels of self-confidence and self-esteem.
  17. Learn to maximize your hidden and natural attributes to create an instant bond with anyone you meet!

Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass

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�����: Adam Eason
�����������: Adam Eason
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������: MP3 (128kbps 44kHz Stereo, 20h 29m 47s)
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"The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass" reveals cutting-edge tools, modern strategies, techniques and skillsall combined with years of experience. There simply is nothing else inthe world that comes close to this product when choosing self-hypnosisto make powerful changes in your life.

Here is a taste of what you learn in the first 23 volumes of this comprehensive, information-packed audio programme:

  1. Volume 1: We start right at the beginning and you discover just what Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis actually are. You learn to differentiate between natural and intended hypnosis and discover that hypnosis and trance states occur in so many aspects of your life already. You develop some further understanding of the differences of the conscious and unconscious mind. There is also an explanation of all the terminology used throughout the programme serving as a beginning glossary.
  2. Volume 2: In this volume, we learn the true art of getting settled and prepared for self-hypnosis. You learn how to quieten your mind and silence your internal dialogue. You learn how to induce a hypnotic state with your breathing and how to engage fully in a moment. Then you progress onto creating the correct internal environment for the best receptivity of mind.
  3. Volume 3: Now you learn the full structure of a self-hypnosis session. You are run through the self-hypnosis model and get a strange illustration to make sure you remember it forever! Then you get an introduction to the language of self-hypnosis and how to optimise your results with its correct use. You receive some comprehensive guidelines to creating programmes for change in hypnosis and learn how to really supercharge your hypnosis with the correct use of hypnotic words.
  4. Volume 4: In this volume, you learn the art of mind mapping to advance your use of self-hypnosis. You learn the power of looping your suggestions in self-hypnosis and then the marvellous phenomenon that is quantum looping. Several techniques on how to deliver your programmes for change to your unconscious mind are demonstrated and you also learn about the simple use of affirmations in self-hypnosis.
  5. Volume 5: Now we get on to hypnotic technique. We go through many wide and varied methods of getting into hypnosis. You are given a range of inductions (all of which are also included in the accompaying script book that comes with this audio programme). As well as the many example induction methods, you also learn the exciting benefits of instant hypnosis so that you can use hypnosis in an instant anywhere under any circumstances!
  6. Volume 6: In this volume you start to learn some advanced methodologies and applications of self-hypnosis. This includes a unique safe, controlled deep relaxation technique and methods for the ultimate relief of stress.
  7. Volume 7: Moving on to specific appliacations of your self-hypnosis, you learn how to use it for overcoming and reducing pain in a variety of circumstances. Here, you also learn the amazing and enchanting application of self-hypnosis that is time distortion. Yes indeed, you learn how you can alter your perception of time so that you can seemingly speed up time if things are boring, or slow things down if you want to enjoy more of the good stuff in life!
  8. Volume 8: The fascinating use of metaphor and metaphoric imagery is what you learn next. It has a wide variety of applications to apply to almost every and any aspect of your life and adds a truly new dimension to your self-hypnosis. You also learn how to use your self-hypnosis for achieving that natural high - yes indeed, you get to have some fun with self-hypnosis too!
  9. Volume 9: This volume focuses on specific habitual changes that can be made using self-hypnosis, including stopping smoking, reducing your weight, and creating wealth. Although these are the main focus, the techniques utilised within this volume can be adapted and applied to many other areas of habitual or behavioural change.
  10. Volume 10: This volume focuses on using self-hypnosis to enhance confidence, as well as learning how to use the full power of your unconscious mind for healing yourself in many different ways on many levels.
  11. Volume 11: In this volume, we really take things to another level. Now you really get up close and intimate with your unconscious mind because you are going to manifest your unconscious mind for direct communication. You are going to be able to create dialogue with your unconscious mind � as if your mind was a person or being. It is an amazing experience! Towards the end of this volume, you start to learn how to actually customise hypnosis for your own benefit and how to start abandoning the structure that you have learnt up to this point.
  12. Volume 12: Now we move on to using your self-hypnosis for boosting the functioning of your brain in a variety of different ways. In this volume, you learn how you can be making much more of your brain and tapping into more of its innate capabilities.
  13. Volume 13: Using NLP with self-hypnosis. That�s right, in this volume, you get to learn how to combine some of the fundamental aspects of Neuro-Linguistic Programming to your self-hypnosis. You learn how to apply meta-programmes, use representational systems and much more besides to make more of your brain functioning with self-hypnosis.
  14. Volume 14: You now discover how to use your self-hypnosis for your own accelerated learning. Within this, you also learn how to enhance your own creativity with self-hypnosis and a variety of methods to improve your memory too.
  15. Volume 15: This volume is dedicated to using self-hypnosis for advanced pain relief.
  16. Volume 16: This volume is dedicated to self-esteem enhancement. Though again, the techniques and skills learned can be applied to many other areas of your life.
  17. Volume 17: Now we move on to advanced techniques and strategies of a different kind. In this volume, you learn how to actually move your awareness inside your brain and connect with it to amplify metabolism, confidence, well-being happiness or anything else. You also learn how to sculpt and create your own image that your brain begins to believe is who you are and works to be that way. You also learn how to use self-hypnosis to cultivate dreaming and to create the remarkable phenomenon that is lucid dreaming.
  18. Volume 18: Next, you learn the skill of hypnotic encouragement to endorse and nurture your relationship with yourself. You�ll learn how to feel more alive and connected with the world around you. You also get an additional technique for creating natural anaesthesia, how to create and develop your own mentor circle inside of a self-hypnosis session, how to detox your mind and let go of mind viruses as well as how to bring your senses to life in a way that you may never have dreamed possible.
  19. Volume 19: We get a little more metaphysical in this volume and you learn how to manifest and attract with self-hypnosis. You�ll discover how to use self-hypnosis to harness one of nature�s most powerful forces � a vacuum. And you�ll also learn how to overcome any psychological barrier that may exist in your life.
  20. Volume 20: We enjoy some spiritual balancing of your chakras and learn how to balance them with self-hypnosis, you also learn how to have an out of body experience with hypnosis and expand your awareness and perception beyond your wildest dreams � this is really turning up the power with what you can do. You also learn how to tune into and open your heart as well as how to use certain sounds to enhance the results you get with your self-hypnosis.
  21. Volume 21: You now learn how to use your skills to be free of distractions and amazingly focused in any way you want to. You learn a very powerful way to programme your mind with the power of certain words � like you are in the library of your mind, you learn how to use self-hypnosis to cut old ties and learn to forgive and heal, then finally, we round this volume off with some clever techniques for overcoming allergies � though the skills learned can be applied to many other aspects of life.
  22. Volume 22: To begin with, you learn how to use self-hypnosis to communicate and learn from your feelings. That�s right, you get your feelings talking to you in trance! You also learn how to develop your own amazing hypnotic tablets, designed to deal with anything you want. You also get a fabulous methodology of how to open your mind to understand others more and finally, you learn how to use your self-hypnosis to receive a unique brand of warm motherly love.
  23. Volume 23: You get started on this volume with the truly mind blowing strategy of stripping the layers back to discover your true identity and real you. Then you learn how to use your self-hypnosis to live the life that you want � on your terms! You also learn how to turn tension nto relaxation and how to create a genuinely youthful mind and body.

Supreme Self-Esteem

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�����: Adam Eason
�����������: Adam Eason
����: ���������������������
������: MP3 (128kbps 44kHz Stereo, 2h 36m 55s)
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Supreme Self-Esteem is an amazing, unparalleled audio programme that stands out as must-have for people looking for self-esteem enhancement.
Supreme Self-Esteem reveals cutting-edge tools, modern strategies, techniques and skills all combined with years of experience.
Self-esteem is incredibly important. Many people have the notion that it is the same as self-confidence; however it is far more than just self-confidence. If we look further into the origins of the word esteem itself, as we look etymologically, it comes from the word �aestimate�, which literally means �to put a value on�. As you might guess, this word shares the same root as the word �estimate�. Therefore, we can see that �self-esteem�, really does just mean; �the value we put on ourselves�.
So what are the key components of self-esteem?
When someone has high self-esteem, they have a genuine, deep rooted sense of self; they actually like (and often love) themselves; they can and do recognise and be in control of their internal state; and they have a sound sense of purpose - or rather they act and behave with purpose. These are not magical gifts that we were given at birth, oh no. One of the key concepts in this amazing audio programme is a presupposition of neuro linguistic programming (NLP) and that is: what others do, you can learn. So that is where this programme starts. By indicating and illustrating just what it is that people with high self-esteem actually do, it is then broken down into easily consumable chunks, so that you can replicate them and apply them to your own life immediately.
These things, if applied in the correct way, can have an amazing impact on anyone�s self-esteem.

So, what are you going to receive?

  1. What is self-esteem?
  2. Creating Personal Acceptance?
  3. Natural use of states.
  4. How to create any state.
  5. Discover your true purpose.
  6. How to reprogramme old conditioning.
  7. How to heal old emotional wounds.
  8. How to install and increase self-esteem.
  9. The successful strategies and techniques of those with self-esteem.
  10. Modelling behaviour and physiology.
  11. Changing perceptual positions.

Ultimate Confidence

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�����������: Adam Eason
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������: MP3 (128kbps 44kHz Dual Channel, 1h 37m 50s)
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The programme that has you radiating the kind of confidence, and power that other people can sense without knowing why� just by walking in the room! Like there is a bright light shining deeply within you that others notice and it feels so wonderful to be around.
Look, for years I�ve been providing private consultation and therapy to people for them to really drip with confidence. I can only see so many individuals in a day, and I can only be in one locality, (though many people think otherwise) I�ve created this two-volume set to have anyone and everyone brimming with the kind of confidence that is their god-given right to enjoy.
I talk and guide you through it, one to one, and guide you through two powerful hypnotic trance sessions, with especially composed and designed music, as well as life-changing exercises that propel the confident and successful person inside of you into action; effortless action that just seems to flow naturally from the unlimited source of power you�ll feel awaken inside you.
The first volume has an introduction and discussion about hypnosis, NLP and about how to alter your thoughts to be confident, then a powerful and profound hypnotic Trance session that you can listen to again and again for the rest of your life.
The second volume has yet another hypnotic trance session. Both trance sessions have within them cutting edge techniques and the most innovative change creating techniques and utilisations of hypnosis to firmly embed the changes in that deepest part of you; I don�t know how deeply you�ll want to embed the change, but I do know you�ll love the enthralling muscial, hypnotic adventure that you go on in these sessions. Then the second volume also contains a powerful exercise for you to incorporate into the days and weeks ahead.

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Master The Power Of Self Hypnosis Pdf


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