How to draw an anime girl body

In one of the previous instructions, the team of described how to draw a male anime figure, and now we will show you how to draw a female anime figure. The basic principles of building the male and female bodies are actually the same, but nevertheless there are some obvious differences, which we describe in detail in this lesson about how to draw an anime girl body.

Step 1

To properly depict a female anime figure, first we depict a skeleton. Start with the head, sketching it in the form of an egg-shaped figure. Note that the female head should be narrower at the chin. Next, draw a line of the spine and place on it a rib cage and pelvis. The hips in the female figure should be noticeably wider than the shoulders. With simple lines mark arms and legs.

How to draw an anime body female

Step 2

On the head, mark a crosshair, which further will help us depict the details of the face. Next, we outline a narrow neck and torso. An important difference between a female figure and a male one is that a female figure should be strongly narrowed at the waist and then greatly expanded in the hips.

How to draw a female anime body

Step 3

With the help of cylindrical figures for the upper arm and forearm and balls for the shoulders and elbows, depict the arms of the girl. Continuing the torso lines, depict the wide hips, which are narrowed at the knees and then slightly expanded in the area of the calf muscles.

Anime girl body sketch

Step 4

Using light and simple lines, mark the eyes, guided by the lines from the second stage. Next, using a pair of simple lines, mark the nose and mouth. Depict the outline of anime hairstyles. Move to the body, sketching the fingers and toes. The anime girl body sketch is done, and it's time to move to the final details.

Anime girl body outline

Step 5

Now, using clear and dark lines, carefully trace the large and expressive eyes, adding pupils and simple eyebrows. Next, trace the neat nose and mouth. Next, draw the hair in all the details, as is done by the artists of Now grab an eraser and clear all unnecessary guidelines from the head of the anime girl.

Draw anime girl body

Step 6

Continuing the lines of the head trace the neck, which smoothly goes into the torso. Carefully trace all the details of the torso, as sketched by our artists. When tracing the torso, consider the shape of the few muscles and bones under the skin. Complete the sixth stage by removing all unnecessary guidelines from the torso.

Step 7

Continuing the shoulder lines, carefully trace the upper limbs. Be especially careful when you draw anime hands. Pay attention that most often women's arms should be much thinner than men's. Finalize the seventh stage of the instruction on how to draw an anime body by erasing all unnecessary guidelines from the upper body.

Drawing anime female body

Step 8

In the eighth stage, we will finish drawing the figure of the anime girl. Continuing the lines of the torso, carefully trace the lines of the hips and legs. And finish this stage with an eraser, removing all remaining guidelins and making the anime girl legs neat and clean.

How to draw an anime female body

Step 9

The ninth stage of the instruction on how to draw an anime girl figure will be devoted to the final touches, or rather to the shadows. First, determine the light source, then mark the areas where you will add shadows. Next, fill the shaded areas with hatching, like the artists of did.

How to draw an anime girl body

Using the instruction on how to draw an anime girl body, you can easily draw any anime person. Try now to draw an anime female figure from other points of view, add clothes and various other details. If this article was useful and interesting for you, then share it with those who are also interested in the subject of anime. We are waiting for your subscriptions in our social networks, such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Deviantart.